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Our math curriculum is Eureka Math, also known as EngageNY which is aligned with Common Core.We will be learning math concepts through discussions, hands-on practice, and written work. Throughout the year we will be working on the following standards:

  • Know number names and the count sequence

  • Count to tell the number of objects

  • Compare numbers

  • Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as          taking apart and taking from

  • Work with numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value

  • Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories

  • Describe and compare measurable attributes

  • Identify and describe shapes

  • Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes

Language Arts

Science/Social Studies


Our language arts curriculum is Reading Street by Pearson Education.We will be learning literacy skills through whole group and small group instruction as well as center work. Some of the reading skills we will be working on are:

  • Letter name and sound recognition

  • Sight words and CVC words

  • Segmenting words

  • Literary elements

  • Text features

  • Sequencing stories

Our writing instruction will be through the Handwriting Without Tears program. We will be

practicing our writing through journals beginning in January.​

We will be learning science and social studies lessons through integration with math and literacy as well as stand alone lessons. Our science topics will include:

  • Weather

  • Force and motion

  • Animal habitats

Our social studies topics will include:​

  • American symbols

  • Maps

  • Holidays

We have a 6 week rotating schedule for our specials. Students spend one week with each specialist. Our rotation schedule is as follows:

  • Art

  • Gym

  • Music

  • Gym

  • Library

  • Health

Muzart (music and art) is taught by Carole Storro.

Gym and Health are taught by Elsa Johnson.

Library is taught by Linda Tenney.

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